jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Tour Limitless en Madrid

Me complace anunciaros que el Fundador XANGO, Kent Wood vendrá a Madrid para el lanzamiento de XANGO Limitless en España!

A  continuación detalles de la reunión:
Fecha: Sábado 19 de Octubre 2013.
Hora: De 16h30 a 20h30.
Hotel NH Príncipe de Vergara
Calle del Príncipe de Vergara 92,
28006 Madrid


XANGO FAVAO Limitless ™XANGO FAVAO Limitless le da un impulso de energía totalmente natural y la ventaja competitiva . Tomamos agua de coco electrolito rico , agregue la energía natural de té verde, taurina y ginseng coreano, luego rematarlo con un aumento de mangostán. Es todo lo que necesita para salir y hacer ejercicio .

Las mejores bebidas energéticas Vs . Xango FAVAO LIMITLESS
¿Cuál es la mejor bebida energética en el mercado hoy en día ? La mayoría de la gente diría probabaly Redbull , Monster o 5 disparos energéticos horas . Estos son sin duda el más popular, pero no tanto el más saludable. Si usted está tratando de obtener más energía sin comprometer su bienestar , usted debería considerar seriamente una alternativa diferente . ¿Qué tipo de revisión sería esto sin los hechos fríos . ¿Sabía usted que la mayoría de las bebidas tienen 50 a 110 calorías por lata ? Eso es un montón de calorías de una porción. La mayoría de ellos también tienen entre 10 a 27 gramos de azúcar. La web de la Asociación Americana del Corazón recomienda que los hombres no deben tener más que el límite de 36 gramos o 9 cucharaditas de azúcar por día en su dieta y que las mujeres no deben superar el límite de 24 gramos o 6 cucharaditas de azúcar por día . Está recomendado para aquellos con una dieta a tener alrededor de 20 a 70 gramos de carbohidratos diarios, bebidas energéticas son más bien cuando se trata de hidratos de carbono , que es el azúcar que es muy poco saludable .

¿Sabía usted que un antiguo jugador de baloncesto Irish 18 años llamado Ross Cooney murió después de beber cuatro latas de una de estas mejores bebidas energéticas que no fue aprobado en Francia, pero fue aprobada en EE.UU. . Algunas empresas han etiquetas de advertencia que indican a sus clientes no consumir más que 2 latas al día. También advierten un uso limitado para las mujeres embarazadas , madres en periodo de lactancia , niños menores de dieciséis años de edad , las personas con enfermedades del corazón , presión arterial alta , la diabetes, y las personas alérgicas a la cafeína. La buena noticia es que hay zumos naturales de energía que tienen menos azúcar y calorías , e incluso mejor sabor. Xango Limitless bebida energética es una de las alternativas más saludables en comparación con los grandes nombres que se preocupan más por los beneficios que el consumo de la seguridad de sus productos.
Este suplemento alimentada por la fruta del mangostán proporciona un impulso natural de Corea del ginseng, taurina, y extractos de té verde . FAVAO Limitless hace que su enfoque más preciso y le da una ventaja injusta en todo el día con electrolitos naturales de agua de coco , también te hidrata con un rendimiento superior para pasar el día . Ver la tabla comparativa a continuación:
FAVAO Limiteless * 15 calorías 3 gramos de azúcar 4 gramos de carbohidratos 1 porción de 8-16 oz
Red Bull Energy Drink 110 calorías 27 gramos de azúcar 28 gramos de carbohidratos 1 lata - 8 oz
Monster Energy 100 calorías 27 gramos de azúcar 27 gramos de carbohidratos 1/3 de una lata
Refresher 70 calorías 15 gramos de azúcar 17 gramos de hidratos de carbono 16 oz

V8 V -Fusion 50 calorías 10 gramos de azúcar 13 gramos de hidratos de carbono - 1 lata de 8 oz
LIMITLESS FAVAO le permite llevar su formación a sus más altas gracias a su fórmula exclusiva diseñada para una mayor concentración y energía , compuesto de ingredientes naturales como el agua de coco, Corea del ginseng, extracto de té verde y estimulantes GABA.Artificial CONDUCTORES desastroso RELAPSEWHAT ha estado tomando ? la mayoría de las bebidas energéticas contienen altas cantidades de cafeína y edulcorantes , lo que permite una ráfaga de energía , pero con una recaída física unas pocas horas más tarde . La sensación de cansancio y la ansiedad consumida produce más ansias de azúcar y stimulants.STIMULATING FAVAO NATURAL LIMITLESS es más que una bebida energética , ya que ofrece una combinación de ingredientes naturales que trabajan en sinergia para proporcionar dinamismo y vigor por el enfoque y la hidratación necesaria para mejorar el rendimiento físico . Es un efecto estimulante prolongada sin recaída .

PODER FORMULA LIMITLESS FAVAO aumenta su energía que le da una ventaja competitiva para su fórmula creada a base de agua de coco rico en electrolitos , el poder del té verde, taurina natural, ginseng coreano y el mangostán estimulante. Todo lo que se requiere para llegar a ganar!


Enriquecido con preciosos mangostán LIMITLESS FAVAO proporciona un sentido natural de la energía gracias a su fórmula compuesta de Corea del ginseng, taurina y extracto de té verde.

Centrado con GABA y centella asiática, XANGO LIMITLESS FAVAO agudiza su atención y le da una ventaja extra en todo el día.

Enriquecido con electrolitos abundantes derivados del agua de coco , la hidratación trae FAVAO LIMITLESS necesaria para un rendimiento óptimo .
Si quieres probar esta bebida , sólo ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare toda la información y la forma de conseguirlo.
Sólo puedo decir que conmigo ha funcionado y yo no soy un atleta profesional , os lo aseguro .


XANGO FAVAO™ Limitless
XANGO FAVAO Limitless gives you an all-natural energy boost and competitive edge. We take electrolyte-rich coconut water, add the natural energy of green tea, taurine and Korean ginseng, then finish it off with a mangosteen boost. It’s everything you need to get out and get active.

Best Energy Drinks Vs. Xango FAVAO LIMITLESS

What's the best energy drink in the market today? Most people would probabaly say Redbull, Monster or 5 hour energy shots. These are definitely the most popular but not so much the most healthy. If you're trying to gain more energy without compromising on your wellbeing, you should seriously consider a different alternative. What type of review would this be without the cold facts. Did you know most drinks have 50-110 calories per can? That's a lot of calories for one serving. Most of them also have between 10-27 grams of sugar. The American Heart Association website recommends that men shouldn't have more than the limit of 36 grams or 9 teaspoons of sugar per day in their diet and that women shouldn't exceed the limit of 24 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar per day. It is recommended for those on a diet to have around 20-70 grams of carbs everyday, most energy drinks are ok when it comes to carbs, it's the sugar that is very unhealthy.
Did you know that an 18 year old Irish basketball player named Ross Cooney died after drinking four cans of one of these best energy drinks which wasn't approved in France but was approved in USA. Some companies have warning labels that tell their customers not to consume more that 2 cans daily. They also warn limited use for pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, children under age sixteen, people with heart conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, and people allergic to caffeine. The good news is that there are natural energy juices that have less sugar and calories and even taste better. Xango Limitless energy drink is one of the healthiest alternative compared to the big names that care more about profit than safety consumption of their products.
This supplement fueled by mangosteen fruit provides a natural boost from Korean ginseng, taurine, and green tea extracts. Favao Limitless makes your focus sharper and gives you an unfair advantage throughout the day with natural electrolytes from coconut water, it also hydrates you with superior performance to get through your day. See the comparison chart below:
FAVAO Limiteless* 15 calories 3 grams sugar 4 grams carbs 1 serving in 8-16 oz.
Red Bull Energy Drink 110 calories 27 grams sugar 28 grams carbs 1 can – 8 oz.
Monster Energy 100 calories 27 grams sugar 27 grams carbs 1/3 of a can
Starbucks Refresher 70 calories 15 grams sugar 17 grams carbs 16 oz.
V8 V-Fusion 50 calories 10 grams sugar 13 grams carbs 1 can – 8 oz.

LIMITLESS FAVAO lets you take your training to its highest thanks to its exclusive formula designed for greater focus and energy , composed of natural ingredients such as coconut water, Korean ginseng , green tea extract and GABA.Artificial Stimulants DISASTROUS LEADS TO RELAPSEWHAT HAS BEEN TAKING ?Most energy drinks contain high amounts of caffeine and sweeteners , allowing a burst of energy, but with a physical relapse a few hours later. The feeling of exhaustion and anxiety consumed produces craving more sugar and stimulants.STIMULATING NATURALLIMITLESS FAVAO is more than an energy drink because it offers a combination of natural ingredients that work synergistically to provide dynamism and vigor by focusing and hydration required to improve physical performance . It is a prolonged stimulating effect without relapse.

POWER FORMULALIMITLESS FAVAO enhances your energy giving you a competitive advantage for its formula created based on coconut water rich in electrolytes , green tea power , natural Taurine , Korean ginseng and stimulating mangosteen . All that is required to get to win!


Enriched with precious mangosteen LIMITLESS FAVAO provides a natural sense of energy thanks to its formula composed of Korean ginseng , taurine and green tea extract .

Centered with GABA and gotu kola , XANGO LIMITLESS FAVAO sharpens your attention and gives you an extra edge in all day.

Enriched with abundant electrolytes derived from coconut water, hydration brings LIMITLESS FAVAO necessary for optimal performance .

If you want to try this drink, just contact me and I will get all the information and your product.

I can only say that it has worked with me and I am not a professional athlete, I assure you.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013


Vertical angles : The provisions as geometry climber on average, is all is all that is equal to or rarely exceed 73 º vertical tube to keep as much as possible the vertical line of gravity, 71 ° direction to make it more vivid reactions and can be closer to the front wheel.
Pods short : It is very important to bring about the rear wheel, the rear is more compact and gives a very lively character to the bike in each pedal stroke as the drag point pushes us closer. Regardless of size , the sheaths must not vary in length, size standard is set as short sheaths when in 42 cm or below .
Saddle advance : No need to bring it up later , but it is convenient to have half of the rails forward forever and ever talking about a straight stem . So always find your seat back when ahead in the toughest climbs .
Long flat Power : The position must be sporty , but we must not excessively compromising comfort or stability. A long power tyrants will allow us better on the bike when we stand but you can get by the ears on a trial bike down .. . Couplings are very useful in this regard , lengthen a bit the gripping point , getting a little more grip strength to get up .
Locking Fork : effective especially easy runs where you must go up and eliminate the oscillations. The new variable stroke forks are all made up and that leverage our position and pedaling generate a more relaxed posture .

Low Bottom Bracket : Everything does not exceed 32 cm in height is what is referenced in bottom bracket height for a rigid bike rally and climbing .
Axis length : The final length wheelbase is the result of all the above characteristics and the advance (distance generates horizontal growth fork and has been standardized between 3.5 and 4 cm in most brands ) and attack ( own fork angle ) that generates the fork. For a bike in size 18 " , the best-selling , we can say that everything below 106 cm is a short distance and conducive to climb.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013


La Cadena Ser, en colaboración con la DGT, ha organizado una serie de pruebas en bicicleta en toda España, con la intención de acercar el deporte las 2 ruedas a todo el mundo.
Una buena alternativa para realizar actividad fisica y pasar un rato muy ameno.

Aqui os dejo algunas fechas y el link de la pagina oficial.


La marcha cicloturista de Dalepedales con salida en Arroyo de la Encomienda será a las 10:00
En pocos días se pondrá donde hay que recoger los dorsales pero si por algún casual no puedes acudir a dicho lugar tambien podrás recoger tu dorsal en el lugar de la salida. Se abrirá la entrega de dorsales una hora antes de la salida.
Calle Industrias, Arroyo de la Encomienda. Junto al Ayuntamiento.
En la plaza de situara el Control de Firmas para que todo cicloturista pueda firmar (opcional) como lo realizan los ciclistas profesionales.


La marcha cicloturista de Dalepedales con salida en Collado Villaba será:
Marcha Larga: 8:00
Marcha Corta: 9:30
En pocos días se pondrá donde hay que recoger los dorsales pero si por algún casual no puedes acudir a dicho lugar tambien podrás recoger tu dorsal en el lugar de la salida. Se abrirá la entrega de dorsales una hora antes de la salida.
Calle de las Águedas, Collado Villalba.
En la plaza de situara el Control de Firmas para que todo cicloturista pueda firmar (opcional) como lo realizan los ciclistas profesionales.


13 OCT

La marcha cicloturista de Dalepedales con salida en Alcalá de los Gazules será:
Marcha Larga: 8:30
Marcha Corta: 8:30
En pocos días se pondrá donde hay que recoger los dorsales pero si por algún casual no puedes acudir a dicho lugar tambien podrás recoger tu dorsal en el lugar de la salida. Se abrirá la entrega de dorsales una hora antes de la salida.
Plaza de la Playa, Alcalá de los Gazules.
Contaremos con el Control de Firmas para que todo cicloturista pueda firmar (opcional) como lo realizan los ciclistas profesionales.


La marcha cicloturista de Dalepedales con salida en Badalona será:
Marcha Larga: 9:00
Marcha Corta: 9:30
En pocos días se pondrá donde hay que recoger los dorsales pero si por algún casual no puedes acudir a dicho lugar tambien podrás recoger tu dorsal en el lugar de la salida. Se abrirá la entrega de dorsales una hora antes de la salida.
Contaremos con el Control de Firmas para que todo cicloturista pueda firmar (opcional) como lo realizan los ciclistas profesionales.


La marcha cicloturista de Dalepedales con salida en Zaragoza será:
Marcha Larga: 9:00
Marcha Corta: 10:00
En pocos días se pondrá donde hay que recoger los dorsales pero si por algún casual no puedes acudir a dicho lugar también podrás recoger tu dorsal en el lugar de la salida. Se abrirá la entrega de dorsales una hora antes de la salida.
Contaremos con el Control de Firmas para que todo cicloturista pueda firmar (opcional) como lo realizan los ciclistas profesionales.


miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Beginner's Guide to Mountain Bike

Have you ever wondered what equipment you need to start practicing Mountain Bike? Or how do you choose the bike that best suits your needs? Or maybe you want to learn some basic mechanics of the bike? Do not worry, because all you have to be clear is that you pedal. Having made this decision, this guide will help you learn everything you need to know about the Mountain Bike. 
The basic
If you are a complete beginner, it may be difficult to make fully equipped for mountain biking. Therefore, the first thing to consider is the basic equipment that every Mountain Biker needs to start rolling. 
1. The bicycle
A mountain bike is a true precision machine and complicated though it may seem otherwise. It is very important to choose a bike with the right size for our body, in relation to our height and our inseam measurement. A common mistake among beginners is to buy a bike with the wrong size, why can suffer injuries, poor posture and various pains, you certainly end up with the illusion to continue rolling.
Most shops specializing in mountain bikes are run by enthusiastic people of Mountain Bike and cycling in general, and certainly will be responsible for recommending the most effective of the right size for us. Of course, you probably also answer all the questions we can plantearles when buying a bike. Therefore, whenever possible is strongly advisable to seek advice at the store to avoid buying inadequate.What kind of bike to buy?
After this, the first question we have is: what kind of bike is best to get started? There are basically three types of mountain bikes:

Rigid: a rigid bike does not have any suspension. They are lighter, cheaper, require less maintenance and not have to worry about anything else other than cycling through the woods. But on roads with rocks, roots and other obstacles our control and comfort on the bike decreases considerably. A hardtail would be preferable to a suspension bike with a very bad, and if our budget is very tight, but it should never be our first choice.

Semi-rigid or hardtail: As the name suggests, are riding a bicycle front suspension fork shaped suspension. They are heavier than rigid bikes, but offer a lot more fun, comfort and efficiency when rolling down the mountain. A new bike with decent suspension initiated into mountain biking may have an approximate price of 450-500 euros, and should be our first choice when purchasing the bike.

Double or Full Suspension: full suspension bikes have, as the name suggests, with suspension on both the front (fork) and rear (shock) of the bicycle. They are more comfortable than the semi-rigid and allow roll over much more difficult terrain. The downside is that they are very expensive (price above 1,000 euros for a decent double) outweigh front suspension bikes (same range) and need a little technical knowledge when adjusting the suspensions and perform basic maintenance. Not recommended for beginners in Mountain Bike.
After choosing the type of bike is best for us, we must assume the payment within the price range you're willing to pay. This price may be higher or lower depending on the model, bicycle brand range and we are watching.
In TodoMountainBike and ever explained why we should not buy a bike too cheap. The main problem is that this type of bike rides very low end components, completely impossible to adjust and bad quality. A bicycle that does not meet a minimum quality finish probably stored somewhere in our house, along with practicing Mountain Bike illusion.
Almost all bicycle manufacturers are available to the client beginner mountain biking several models very good to start the MTB. These models, along with some quality components mounted, are made very sturdy tables that will be most reliable when learning to roll down the mountain without risk of breaking the bike in the first drop silly (or important).? 26 or 29 inches? What about the right size bike?
The current market trend in mountain bikes marks a generalized increase in virtually all models 29er Mountain Bike manufacturers. Choose between a bike wheel with 26 or 29 inch depend on several factors to take into account, among which include the following, as a quick summary:

Cyclists high: 29 inches
Cyclists lower: 26 inches
Rigid and 100mm. stroke or less: 29 inches
Full suspension and 100 to 120mm. of course: 29 inches
More than 130 mm. of course: 26 inches
Use in narrow and twisty trails: 26 inches
Use in open, rocky trails: 29 inches
Usage on fast trails or Racing: 29 inches
Looking at the above, only left ourselves and look under our height and type of use of the bicycle wheel to choose the most suitable size. Although as always, the best option is to test the bike model we like in 26 inches and then test the 29-inch version, if available. If not, it's best to look for a similar model and test 29er.
As for bicycles, as has been said before, remember that it is always very important to choose the right size mountain bike for us. A correct choice will largely determine the success of our home in the mountain biking scene. 
2. The hull
Practicing a sport Mountain Bike is very nice but not devoid of risks. It is always advisable to wear a helmet, because it can prevent many serious injuries and more than a disappointment. All stores have different helmets from different manufacturers and prices, and it is advisable to buy the helmet along with the bike, as an indivisible package.
The best we can do is let us advise by the seller of the store, but it does not hurt to have a little knowledge about Mountain Bike helmets. You must have the right size so that we stay right on the head without feeling pressure. Proper adjustment Mountain Bike Helmet We'll about a finger or two above the eyebrows once placed, and once fastened not fluctuate or move excessively to either side if we make head movements.
It is also advisable to choose helmets that have good ventilation (more holes, more ventilation), plus built-in anti-insect mesh and micron-precision fasteners that will make the helmet fit a child's play. The price, as well as bicycles, varies greatly depending on the model and manufacturer of the helmet range. But could apply a price of between 40 and 80 euros for a quality helmet suited to initiate us into Mountain Bike. 
3. Gloves
Not all Mountain Bikers choose to wear gloves between his equipment but when we are starting out and are beginning to wear gloves is recommended. If we fall from the bike, the first thing we do is put your hands on the floor and gloves will prevent our hands suffer more damage than a small (or large, depends on our ease on the bike) blow.
Apart from possible injury spare us the gloves dampen the vibrations of the bike to roll and mitigate the pressure on our hands to grip the handlebars. We can find summer gloves with the fingers cut out for better ventilation, and winter, fingers in place and full coverage of our hands.
The most important thing when choosing gloves is sure to feature a breathable fabric on the back-of-hand and a thicker tissue in the palm of your hand. This thick tissue favors the grip and gives more grip when taking the handlebars, and offer better protection for the hand you certainly have more numbers of support on the ground during a fall. Prices for quality gloves ideal to initiate us roughly between 10 and 20 euros.

4. Inflation pump, anti-puncture kit and multitool
Punctures in the Mountain Bike are inevitable. When it rolls down the mountain, there are many obstacles that can end up clicking a wheel of our bike. If you do not want to have to go home with the bike in tow, it is essential to take along a small inflation pump and anti-puncture kit patching compound and special glue to repair any punctures of the Mountain Bike.
In the market there are many different inflation pumps with very small sizes and high efficiency. We take subject to the bicycle frame by a suitable carrier or backpack behind us. Similarly, anti-puncture kits are very small and can fit in any pocket, besides being quite economical. We should not hesitate to ask your retailer about the options available for these products.
And finally, in the equipment of every beginner should be a multitool. These handy tools are very similar to those Army Knives that abound in the market and have multiple tools to perform repairs and adjustments to your bicycle. We should have a that has the most common tools: allen, torx, flat and philips screwdriver and also a trail-repair chains incorporated to allow the bicycle chain in case of breakage. We can easily find them for about 20 or 25 euros at any store specializing in cycling.

Ambit Chain mail BTT only BLOGGERS

  1. This is interesting for those who enjoy the world of MTB.

    SUUNTO, wants to make a string so that bloggers around the world try their new "Suunto Ambit 2S" (Suunto Ambit 2S), and give our opinion about this product.

    After the test, the product raffled among the participants to make any comments on your articles.

    I tell you more:

    Looking bloggers wanting to test and enjoy the new Suunto Ambit 2S. Each can prove those selected for 10 days, then send it to the next blogger in the chain. And so on. Rounding off with a post on their blogs with the feelings, so that everyone can learn more about the new GPS watch for adventurous mountain bike.

    The deadline is August 25.

    I WANT TO TRY, I will tell IF I TRY

Cadena Ambit BTT solo para BLOGGERS

Esto es interesante para todos los que disfrutamos del mundo de MTB.

SUUNTO, quiere hacer una cadena para que bloggers de todo el mundo prueben su nuevo "Suunto Ambit 2S" ( Suunto Ambit 2S), y demos nuestra opinion sobre este producto.

Al finalizar la prueba, sortearan el producto entre los participantes que hagan algún comentario en sus articulos.

Os cuento mas:

Buscan bloggers con ganas de testar y disfrutar el nuevo Suunto Ambit 2S. Cada uno los seleccionados podrá probarlo durante 10 días , para luego enviárselo al siguiente blogger de la cadena. Y así sucesivamente. Completando la acción con un post en sus respectivos blogs con las sensaciones, para que todos podáis saber más acerca del nuevo reloj GPS para aventureros del BTT.

La fecha límite es el 25 de Agosto.


viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

10 Tips for Cyclists Mountain Bikes

Top 10 Tips and secrets to participate in "training plan mountain bikes"
1) Train yourself on a bike, the box is proportional to the height of the person who leads. This little Reglita about can help:
If you measure between 1.50 and 1.59 m.
owed a box 14 "
If you measure between 1.60 and 1.69 m.
owed a box 16 "
If you measure between 1.70 and 1.79 m.
owed a table 18 "
If you measure between 1.80 and 1.89 m.
owed a box 20 "
If you measure more than 1.90 m.
you can use a table 21 or 22 "inches.

2) It is important to know and find the right position on the bike.
Many people are unaware that a wrong position decreases performance, generates aches and pains that can develop into lesions, alters the position and may cause accidents.
3) The beginning of the practice of physical activity and training is a decision that takes time and has a maturation process. It is very important to have a medical checkup before starting a training practice, to anticipate potential health problems, to have an orientation about the real possibilities of each and inserted into an appropriate activity at our age, body size, gender and experience
4) Attempt to locate what your maximum heart rate, there is a rule that allows you to get that theoretical figure is obtained by subtracting your age from 220. It is important not to over that number, especially when returning to the sport after a long period of inactivity or if you are overweight.
With a cardiotachometer (Polar) can do constant monitoring of heart rate, controlling not spend the maximum and also controlling the work from the minimum of keystrokes recommended by our cardiologist or our coach.
5) Table cardiac recovery:Slight Recovery Physical Activity
55 to 64% HR Max Moderate Physical Activity
65 to 74% HR Max Intense Physical Activity
75 to 90% HR MaxControl
the pulse: 1'30 "3 '5' 1'30" 3 '5' 1'30 "3 '5'
Good answer 15% 20% 25% 20% 25% 30% 25% 30% 35%Reply
10% 15% 20% 15% 20% 25% 20% 25% 30%Reply
Sufficient 5% 10% 15% 10% 15% 20% 15% 20% 25%

6) Hydrate before, during and after physical activity.
Many people, mostly beginners, training reach no canteen, no water!
During physical activity is lost fluid and salts lost. Salts are actors working muscle activity in muscle contraction.
Salt loss without replacement generates among many things inattention, fatigue, involuntary muscle contraction (cramp) with all the risk that this presupposes while driving a bike in the middle of a group.
7) Muscle activity consumes fuel to produce energy. Glucose and glycogen are fuels that supply energy demand of the body at the time of physical activity.
These fuels are depleted, Promo always a granola bar to refresh yourself.
8) The training is aimed at the adaptation of the organism to physical exertion. Make physical activity involves having the perseverance to meet two to three weekly stimulations for optimizing growth and activity we have chosen. Twice a week enough to maintain the physical state at the time we start our training and progress slowly.
Once a week is not enough stimulation.
9) Equipment:- Bicycle in good mechanical condition (depending on the type and frequency of use, it is advisable to do a service every three months and lubrication after the bike wet or failing every 15 days).
- Helmet proportional to the measure of the circumference of the head of the rider (Decile not borrow the helmet, the helmet to helmet loose or too large).
- Flashing back.- Canteen with water and cereal bar.- Shoes with clip or alternatively with a stiff sole.- Camera parts, pump and lever hoods.
- Spare T-Shirt changed once the training.- Eyeglasses clear or yellow lens. The eyes need to be protected from a fall and smog present in the city (after pedaling city pasate one carilina on your forehead or on your nose .... mirá color coming out .... pensá happens with your eyes).In winter: Using the technique of skin coat onion:
Cycling-shirt long sleeve Dri Fit.
-Vest or polar-In case of very cold, polar and waterproof and breathable windbreaker (Goretex / Ultrex).
Short-and long trousers Trousers.
-Hat respirable fine.Attention:-Do not use cotton as underwear. It keeps us dry and wet.
-Do not wear underwear under the tights.
 -Do not wear baseball cap or thick polar cap under the helmet.
10) Elongation-leading Virtues- A lax muscle more easily irrigable up their smaller vessels, faster access to energy sources, so it is stronger and more resilient.- Stretching helps generate a greater understanding of our body and our muscles. This sense is called proprioception.- An elongated muscle is less likely to get hurt before a cold or movement to a movement demanding.

- Elongation after physical activity, allows cleaning and internal drainage of the muscles, assisting in the removal of some lactic acid present in the nerve endings of the muscles.
Warm up
Many athletes, beginners and experts, often begin their training without thinking about doing a warm up.

We know it can be monotonous and boring, but it is important.
There are two types of warm complementary: general and specific.
The warm up serves to:
-Reduce muscle viscosity.
-Activate the neuromuscular system.-Increase the temperature of the muscles and joints.
-Increase the elasticity of tendons and ligaments.
-Increase the fluidity of the joints.-Optimize metabolic functioning and ensure a greater supply of oxygen and glucose to the muscles.-Prepare the athlete psychologically to perform a more intensive effort than normal.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Un chiste para desengrasar

Hoy me levanté temprano, me puse el maillot arco-iris y el cullote a juego que me regaló mi mujer hace 1 mes por mi cumpleaños.
Hice café, cogi el casco a juego del maillot, me fui silenciosamente al garaje, cogí mi bicicleta de 3.000 euros (auto-regalo de cumpleaños porque la vieja ya tenía 2 años), y cuando salía del garaje me di cuenta de que llovía torrencialmente. Estaba toda la calle inundada y el viento gélido soplaba a 100 Km/h.
Volví a entrar en el garaje a dejar la bici. Entré de nuevo en mi casa, me desvestí silenciosamente y me deslicé dentro de la cama.
Despacito me acurruqué contra la espalda de mi mujer, y le susurré al oído: ‘¡El tiempo afuera está horrible!’
Ella me contestó medio dormida, ‘Ya lo sé. ¿Puedes creer que el gilipollas de mi marido se ha ido a andar en bici?

8 good reasons to practice Mountain Bike

Whatever your favorite sport, the reasons for practicing mountain biking or mountain biking apply to all sports. The first and foremost reason is that physical exercise helps us stay healthy, but there are many more that should be considered.

If you are bored / at the gym, and want or need an activity to distract you and keep you in shape, the Mountain Bike is waiting. Here you can see some of the reasons why you will like to start mountain biking:

First. Because it's healthy and beneficial for your body. The exercise on the bike tone your muscles, improve your cardiovascular system and your circulation and helps keep your weight controlled. In addition, it helps you feel better psychologically.

Second. Because it's entertaining and fun. Besides being a great exercise, it's a sport you can practice with friends and that will make you laugh and have fun a lot. There will always be stories to tell and even if you compete, the sport itself is always fun for those who practice it with liking.

Third. Because improves coordination and balance skills. Riding on the bike will help to improve coordination between your eyes and other parts of your body. Will improve the movement of legs, arms and waist, as well as many other parts of your body while keeping the balance giving the pedals.



Fourth. Because make friends. Although leave only / a with your bike, sooner or later end up together / to other cyclists. The practice of Mountain Bike will help you meet other people who share the same interests as you.

Fifth. Why learn to work together. When you go accompanied by other riders, learn to work together without realizing it. Be leaving at the pace of the group, shall squeeze or loosen them up according to the needs of the rest of your peers / as and will keep the pace of the team almost without realizing it.

Sixth. Because you will organize better. Believe it or not, if you spend a few hours of your free time to practice regularly Mountain Bike, you no doubt have organized a dedicated space between your routines to practice this sport. Therefore, you will be learning how to leverage more time getting organized better your day.

Seventh. Because you'll get a great vitality. Before, during and after enjoy a mountain bike ride, you'll appreciate the vitality invades your body at specific times of the day. When you finish a long climb, when descend quickly or when you maintain a high pedaling speed, vitality invade your body very beneficial.

Eighth. Because enjoy unique landscapes. Mountain biking routes will take you through would hardly walk or other vehicles. You will see and enjoy nature in all its glory, with landscapes and merit alone to practice mountain biking.


So you know. If you were looking for a sport to keep fit and have fun, practice Mountain Bike.