viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

10 Tips for Cyclists Mountain Bikes

Top 10 Tips and secrets to participate in "training plan mountain bikes"
1) Train yourself on a bike, the box is proportional to the height of the person who leads. This little Reglita about can help:
If you measure between 1.50 and 1.59 m.
owed a box 14 "
If you measure between 1.60 and 1.69 m.
owed a box 16 "
If you measure between 1.70 and 1.79 m.
owed a table 18 "
If you measure between 1.80 and 1.89 m.
owed a box 20 "
If you measure more than 1.90 m.
you can use a table 21 or 22 "inches.

2) It is important to know and find the right position on the bike.
Many people are unaware that a wrong position decreases performance, generates aches and pains that can develop into lesions, alters the position and may cause accidents.
3) The beginning of the practice of physical activity and training is a decision that takes time and has a maturation process. It is very important to have a medical checkup before starting a training practice, to anticipate potential health problems, to have an orientation about the real possibilities of each and inserted into an appropriate activity at our age, body size, gender and experience
4) Attempt to locate what your maximum heart rate, there is a rule that allows you to get that theoretical figure is obtained by subtracting your age from 220. It is important not to over that number, especially when returning to the sport after a long period of inactivity or if you are overweight.
With a cardiotachometer (Polar) can do constant monitoring of heart rate, controlling not spend the maximum and also controlling the work from the minimum of keystrokes recommended by our cardiologist or our coach.
5) Table cardiac recovery:Slight Recovery Physical Activity
55 to 64% HR Max Moderate Physical Activity
65 to 74% HR Max Intense Physical Activity
75 to 90% HR MaxControl
the pulse: 1'30 "3 '5' 1'30" 3 '5' 1'30 "3 '5'
Good answer 15% 20% 25% 20% 25% 30% 25% 30% 35%Reply
10% 15% 20% 15% 20% 25% 20% 25% 30%Reply
Sufficient 5% 10% 15% 10% 15% 20% 15% 20% 25%

6) Hydrate before, during and after physical activity.
Many people, mostly beginners, training reach no canteen, no water!
During physical activity is lost fluid and salts lost. Salts are actors working muscle activity in muscle contraction.
Salt loss without replacement generates among many things inattention, fatigue, involuntary muscle contraction (cramp) with all the risk that this presupposes while driving a bike in the middle of a group.
7) Muscle activity consumes fuel to produce energy. Glucose and glycogen are fuels that supply energy demand of the body at the time of physical activity.
These fuels are depleted, Promo always a granola bar to refresh yourself.
8) The training is aimed at the adaptation of the organism to physical exertion. Make physical activity involves having the perseverance to meet two to three weekly stimulations for optimizing growth and activity we have chosen. Twice a week enough to maintain the physical state at the time we start our training and progress slowly.
Once a week is not enough stimulation.
9) Equipment:- Bicycle in good mechanical condition (depending on the type and frequency of use, it is advisable to do a service every three months and lubrication after the bike wet or failing every 15 days).
- Helmet proportional to the measure of the circumference of the head of the rider (Decile not borrow the helmet, the helmet to helmet loose or too large).
- Flashing back.- Canteen with water and cereal bar.- Shoes with clip or alternatively with a stiff sole.- Camera parts, pump and lever hoods.
- Spare T-Shirt changed once the training.- Eyeglasses clear or yellow lens. The eyes need to be protected from a fall and smog present in the city (after pedaling city pasate one carilina on your forehead or on your nose .... mirá color coming out .... pensá happens with your eyes).In winter: Using the technique of skin coat onion:
Cycling-shirt long sleeve Dri Fit.
-Vest or polar-In case of very cold, polar and waterproof and breathable windbreaker (Goretex / Ultrex).
Short-and long trousers Trousers.
-Hat respirable fine.Attention:-Do not use cotton as underwear. It keeps us dry and wet.
-Do not wear underwear under the tights.
 -Do not wear baseball cap or thick polar cap under the helmet.
10) Elongation-leading Virtues- A lax muscle more easily irrigable up their smaller vessels, faster access to energy sources, so it is stronger and more resilient.- Stretching helps generate a greater understanding of our body and our muscles. This sense is called proprioception.- An elongated muscle is less likely to get hurt before a cold or movement to a movement demanding.

- Elongation after physical activity, allows cleaning and internal drainage of the muscles, assisting in the removal of some lactic acid present in the nerve endings of the muscles.
Warm up
Many athletes, beginners and experts, often begin their training without thinking about doing a warm up.

We know it can be monotonous and boring, but it is important.
There are two types of warm complementary: general and specific.
The warm up serves to:
-Reduce muscle viscosity.
-Activate the neuromuscular system.-Increase the temperature of the muscles and joints.
-Increase the elasticity of tendons and ligaments.
-Increase the fluidity of the joints.-Optimize metabolic functioning and ensure a greater supply of oxygen and glucose to the muscles.-Prepare the athlete psychologically to perform a more intensive effort than normal.

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